A new day - Chic Mom Factor

Hi everyone, I am known as chic_mom_factor in instagram, new to blog world. Although a IT veteran, and have heard and read other people's blogs for many years, never bothered to start blogging myself. Today, I finally decided to create my own blog.

A self-claimed fashionista and fancy-pants, I love to play with my styles. You may think it is so vain to say that. But be honest, it is in me since I was little.

Grown up in a family that have 4 daughters, Mom and Dad tried their best to provide us with comfortable life. There were not much extra go to about. I always want to be the ones with the most beautiful dress or "fancy" shoes.

Nobody is perfect. But with right style, you can look like million dollars! Research showed the better put together you are, the more confident you are. Rest will follow.

Through the years, I started to learn what suit me the best, in the meantime, I am not afraid to try new things new styles.

People stopped me on the street to give me compliment, and ask me where do I buy my outfit, my shoes, my accessories. I was thinking, why don't I start sharing with people to begin with, and eventually, it may take me somewhere?

Why not...?

Here we are...


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